As set down by Chief Medowlarke Sweetweed, 5th Shirrif of the Addernotch Bounders


I am often asked by curious folk about the Bounder buttons. When I mention the Buttoning ceremony, they look at me quizzically and ask for an explanation.


If I have the time, I relay to them the best explanation I have heard. It was a story 4th Shirriff Rumache told me on the day I was buttoned as 5th Shirriff.


The story took place the day after Lyonardo got his Bounder button, where folk were still recovering from the celebrations the day before. He found Rumache laying in the grass under the yard tent, his Bounder cap over his eyes. Rumache lifted the cap just a bit to see who was about and sat up - slowly - on seeing the newly buttoned Bounder.


Sitting next to Rumache, Lyonardo said, "Let's hear the story behind this neat button. Whether just tradition handed down or more recently invented, there must be some kind of tale to tell."


Leaning back himself, avoiding the beams of sunlight passing through holes in the tent cover, Lyonardo continued. "Was the elusive Uncle Meadowlarke involve? Are they crafted from small chunks of Foxleaf's bedposts? Can we use them to button Lobelia's lip?" 


Rumache took a close look at Lyonardo's jacket, paying close attention to a single brown button holding a spot close to the center of Lyonardo's chest. The button was smaller and darker than the others, and greatly battered. It was slightly oblong in shape from years of friction slipping in and out of a buttonhole.


"Looks like ye got yer button sewed on alright, Lyonardo," said Rumache. "That there brown button been holding a Bounder's jacket since afore any of us was borned."


Rumache poked the button once more, and with a finger flipped its edge so he could look at it's back side.


"I don't really keep close track a these buttons, as they's all important, but I reckon that one might a been Marcomir's button from when he was a Bounder. Right good feller he was, ayep. Afore Marcomir had it, I think it were Sekkint Shirriff Rubetta's. She were the first good Shirriff we had in Addernotch Station, and the Hobbit what trained me up. It was other Bounders afore Rubetta's. Prolly saw combat in Fornost when we bounders served as a archer brigade for the High King. Prolly held a Bounder jacket closed when we hobbits first crossed the Misty Mountains ter find safe lands ter raise our chilrens."


He paused a moment, his eyes focusing on the distant past. "Ye gots a long history holdin ye's jacket shut, Lyonardo, if ye's the type ter notice. An everone in the Shire will know ye as a Addernotch Bounder by see'ing it on ye."


Rumache gestured towards his own jacket, and the closely packed row of mismatched, multicolored buttons holding it closed. "Stay wit us fer a while, an ye'll have a jacket what looks like this afore Ye knows it."


Lyonardo marveled at how Rumache appeared at once totally disheveled, yet magnificent.  He absentmindedly rubbed his new button between thumb and forefinger. "Stay, I most certainly will Chief!" he said with renewed determination.